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Crossroads shares the personal story of a bishop learning through his calling why he should try to be an LGBTQ ally and how that helped his teenage son finally feel comfortable opening up to him about being gay. Written by a lawyer, this navigable e-book uses numerous resources to examine church teachings about gay sexual orientation and explores a scripture-based path to a more hopeful doctrine.


+ Preface: Where am I coming from?

Go to the Editor's Foreword

Go to the Preface

+ 1: Introduction- Our Story

Go to Chapter 1

+ 2: How can we listen? What words help and hurt?

Go to Chapter 2

+ 3: Can a changing church provide hope?

Go to Chapter 3

+ 4: Does new doubling down on the doctrine crush hope?

Go to Chapter 4

+ 5: Is doctrinal change still possible?

Go to Chapter 5

+ 6: Is marriage too fundamental to redefine?

Go to Chapter 6

+ 7: Could existing beliefs help justify change?

Go to Chapter 7

+ 8: What might prompt doctrinal change?

Go to Chapter 8

+ 9: Can a painful experience with a leader result in good?

Go to Chapter 9

+ 10: Can we stay in church and avoid the "dark cloud?"

Go to Chapter 10

+ Afterword

Go to Afterword

 Transgender issues need more attention than they are getting in the church. However, such issues are not discussed much in the Crossroads book as the author doesn’t have much personal experience with transgender church members. Without excusing that failure, the sincere hope is that any change in the church that benefits lesbian, gay, bisexual or questioning/queer individuals will produce changes that help transgender church members as well.