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Enough people printed the entire PDF of Crossroads and wanted a hard copy to give to friends and family. So Evan put in even MORE work to make it even more accessible. By popular demand, Crossroads is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle! (The full navigable ebook and PDF are still free on gayldscrossroads.org.)

Crossroads is by Evan Smith, a former bishop and stake presidency counselor whose son is gay. With the mind of a lawyer, he examines scriptures and church teachings to look for a more hopeful path forward. All proceeds (not just profits - Evan paid all production costs) go to LGBTQ charities. The book is edited by Marci McPhee (marcimcpheewriter.com).

Evan writes:

Since the digital version of the book was released in summer 2020, thousands of people have checked it out online (still averaging several hundred new visitors each month) and I regularly received inquiries about whether a printed version would ever be made. I am bearing the cost of the self-publishing formatting myself and have priced the book as low as the publishing company allowed (it’s still not cheap though since it’s a long book, with nearly 100 supplemental pages like the lengthy Topical Index and Table of Contents, etc.). I donate all proceeds I receive to LGBTQ charities.

I’ll still always keep the digital version of my book available for free online, and plan to continue to make updates as new events transpire.


Healthy doubt, healthy faith: from Thomas Wirthlin McConkie


Honoring names – the name of the Church and LGBTQ names/pronouns