“Love us, guide us, walk beside us” - revised, inclusive lyrics to “I am a Child of God”

Today’s guest blogger is Jonathan Rogers, who lives in Canton, Georgia, USA with his wife and two kiddos. He has been a moderator for Mormons Building Bridges (a Facebook group) since early 2020. Jonathan wrote revised lyrics for "I am a Child of God," sung by Jen Mack at Mormons Building Bridges Fireside with Ben Schilaty 9/13/20. Here Jonathan tells the backstory of why he wrote the revised lyrics (read all 4 verses here).

When I began to see more of the world through the eyes of those around me, traditional hymns hurt so much more than before. Many hymns spoke of conditional love and blessings that should be inherent for everyone.

I wrote new lyrics for “I am a Child of God” that spoke more truth to me - that our Heavenly Parents must love us unconditionally - both our Father AND Mother in Heaven.

I changed the first verse to honor so many who are not born into a family with parents “kind and dear,” but are embraced by whatever family they find (or that finds them). I didn't want any child to feel excluded when they sang this song. 

In the chorus, I felt that "Love" should be the first and central part - before leading or guiding. Also this slight change: "help them find their way." We often try to lead children in our way, rather than helping them find their own path in life and discover who they are.

The second verse (“She is a child of God”) is for all the women whose experiences and insights are rarely trusted. I wanted all little girls to know that their voices matter.

The third verse represents all the beautiful diversities of those around me: my Black, LGBTQIA+, Indigenous and Native, disabled and neurodivergent family and friends. Their experiences are real and important. The more we listen, the more we'll love them in the ways they best feel loved and supported.

The final verse was changed to remove the conditional aspects of the celestial kingdom that are hyperfocused on rules rather than seeing each heart as beautiful and deserving of love, compassion, and understanding.

I'm sure there are other beautiful versions of this signature song that also express what I was trying to do, but for me, writing these revised lyrics felt so beautiful and healing, helping me re-center my heart. My hope is that these new lyrics will encourage all of us to nurture individual growth and identities in children of all ages.

-Jonathan Rogers

(Read all 4 revised verses here.)


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